Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Overnight Hike, Uphill Both Ways...What a Blast!!!

The overnight hike was held on June 13-14 and we had a great turnout.  Thank you so much to Joan  for her excellent and hard work nothing was left undone.  We went to a beautiful place, ate great food that we carried in and cooked ourselves. We had President Humphries speak to us, as well as dear Sister Bonnie Cordon.  We made new friendships that will last forever, and we made up words to old songs that will forever be embedded in our hearts and souls...KUMBAYA!!!!  Bring on's going to be a blast.  Where we will make more new friends, build bonds of love and most of all where we will learn more about our own testimonies and Come Unto Christ.  But, if you don't believe me, look for yourself...

 Oh, how I love this lady.  And we both say we are thankful for hats.  But, I think Sister Cordon is beautiful with or without.  Wouldn't you agree, Princess?

We had a wonderful time in a beautiful place that Heavenly Father created just for us to enjoy.  Wow, who's game to go again...